sochaczewski - turnout in the comunes
NameNumber of electorsNumber of valid ballot cardsNumber of precinctsNumber of precincts data obtained fromAttendance
Sochaczew30 6129 1982222 30,05%
Nowa Sucha5 0442 90144 57,51%
Rybno2 7601 36333 49,38%
Totalling38 41613 462292935,04%
sochaczewski - turnout in the comunes
NameNumber of electorsNumber of dispensed ballot cardsNumber of precinctsNumber of precincts data obtained fromAttendance
Sochaczew30 6108732222 2,85%
Nowa Sucha5 04417444 3,45%
Rybno2 76011833 4,28%
Totalling38 4141 16529293,03%
sochaczewski - turnout in the comunes
NameNumber of electorsNumber of dispensed ballot cardsNumber of precinctsNumber of precincts data obtained fromAttendance
Sochaczew30 6105 2922222 17,29%
Nowa Sucha5 0441 78744 35,43%
Rybno2 76091233 33,04%
Totalling38 4147 991292920,80%
sochaczewski - turnout in the comunes
NameNumber of electorsNumber of dispensed ballot cardsNumber of precinctsNumber of precincts data obtained fromAttendance
Sochaczew30 6108 2082222 26,81%
Nowa Sucha5 0442 73844 54,28%
Rybno2 7601 25733 45,54%
Totalling38 41412 203292931,77%