No. | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Address, party membership and endorsements | Number of votes | Votes % |
1 | Gierut Stanisław Andrzej | 55 | wyższe | Dębowiec, submitted by KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW SAMORZĄDOWA AKCJA WYBORCÓW, not a member of any political party | 10 | | 0,88% |
2 | Staniszewski Zbigniew | 48 | wyższe | Cieklin, submitted by KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW "PRAWORZĄDNOŚĆ", not a member of any political party | 1036 | | 90,80% |
3 | Stój Marek Michał | 50 | wyższe | Majscowa, submitted by KOMITET WYBORCZY PRAWO I SPRAWIEDLIWOŚĆ, not a member of any political party | 95 | | 8,33% |