Vote on 21-11-2010
Result of voting and elections for the candidate
Surname and names Age Address Committee Endorsement
Symeryak Czesław 60 Krzeszyce KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW CZESŁAWA SYMERYAKA not a member of any political party
Number of votes for candidate Result Elected
1224 54.50% Tak

The results of the candidate in the precincts
NoAddressNumber of votesPercent of valid votes in precinct
1Publiczne Gimnazjum w Krzeszycach, ul. Skwierzyńska 4, Krzeszyce646
2Świetlica wiejska w Malcie, Malta 30, Malta194
3Szkoła Podstawowa w Kołczynie, ul. Sulęcińska 29, Kołczyn384