Vote on 05-12-2010
Result of voting and elections for the candidate
Surname and names Age Address Committee Endorsement
Hrynkiewicz Jan 59 Sidra KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW "PRZYSZŁOŚĆ" not a member of any political party
Number of votes for candidate Result Elected
1081 63.78% Tak

The results of the candidate in the precincts
NoAddressNumber of votesPercent of valid votes in precinct
1Gimnazjum, ul. Kalwińska 6, Sidra594
2Szkoła Podstawowa, Jacowlany 13, Jacowlany148
3Szkoła Podstawowa, Majewo 1, Majewo162
4Budynek parafialny, Zalesie 25, Zalesie177