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Candidate informations | ||||
Surname and names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number |
Dytkowski Piotr | 39 | Kurów | 4 | |
Number of votes for candidate | Percent of valid votes in constituency | Number of votes for the list | Percent of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | Mandate |
1206 | 18.37% | 2328 | 51,80% | Tak |
Results for constituency no. 4 by precincts | ||||||
No | Address | Number of votes | Percent of valid votes | Number of votes for the list | Percent of list votes | |
Gmina Baranów | 19 | 0.89% | 558 | 3.41% | ||
1 | Urząd Gminy, ul. Rynek 14, Baranów | 12 | 1.05% | 307 | 3.91% | |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Gródek 32 | 4 | 1.10% | 45 | 8.89% | |
3 | Świetlica wiejska, Śniadówka 48 | 2 | 0.63% | 147 | 1.36% | |
4 | Świetlica wiejska, Kozioł 40B | 1 | 0.31% | 59 | 1.69% | |
Gmina Kurów | 1151 | 38.32% | 1398 | 82.33% | ||
1 | Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Kilińskiego 2, Kurów | 402 | 33.56% | 499 | 80.56% | |
2 | Urząd Gminy Kurów, ul. Lubelska 35, Kurów | 218 | 33.59% | 270 | 80.74% | |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Kłoda 12A | 131 | 40.81% | 176 | 74.43% | |
4 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Klementowice 230 | 315 | 58.23% | 331 | 95.17% | |
5 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Dęba 1 | 85 | 28.81% | 122 | 69.67% | |
Gmina Markuszów | 36 | 2.52% | 372 | 9.68% | ||
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Lubelska 80, Markuszów | 16 | 2.69% | 144 | 11.11% | |
2 | Gminny Dom Kultury, ul. M.Sobieskiego 1, Markuszów | 13 | 1.96% | 199 | 6.53% | |
3 | Dom Ludowy, Bobowiska 35 a | 7 | 4.17% | 29 | 24.14% |
Candidate informations | ||||
Surname and names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number |
Maruszak Pelagia | 47 | Baranów | 4 | |
Number of votes for candidate | Percent of valid votes in constituency | Number of votes for the list | Percent of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | Mandate |
406 | 6.18% | 2328 | 17,44% | Tak |
Results for constituency no. 4 by precincts | ||||||
No | Address | Number of votes | Percent of valid votes | Number of votes for the list | Percent of list votes | |
Gmina Baranów | 385 | 18.03% | 558 | 69.00% | ||
1 | Urząd Gminy, ul. Rynek 14, Baranów | 267 | 23.46% | 307 | 86.97% | |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Gródek 32 | 32 | 8.84% | 45 | 71.11% | |
3 | Świetlica wiejska, Śniadówka 48 | 39 | 12.30% | 147 | 26.53% | |
4 | Świetlica wiejska, Kozioł 40B | 47 | 14.78% | 59 | 79.66% | |
Gmina Kurów | 14 | 0.47% | 1398 | 1.00% | ||
1 | Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Kilińskiego 2, Kurów | 2 | 0.17% | 499 | 0.40% | |
2 | Urząd Gminy Kurów, ul. Lubelska 35, Kurów | 0 | 0.00% | 270 | 0.00% | |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Kłoda 12A | 2 | 0.62% | 176 | 1.14% | |
4 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Klementowice 230 | 8 | 1.48% | 331 | 2.42% | |
5 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Dęba 1 | 2 | 0.68% | 122 | 1.64% | |
Gmina Markuszów | 7 | 0.49% | 372 | 1.88% | ||
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Lubelska 80, Markuszów | 1 | 0.17% | 144 | 0.69% | |
2 | Gminny Dom Kultury, ul. M.Sobieskiego 1, Markuszów | 5 | 0.75% | 199 | 2.51% | |
3 | Dom Ludowy, Bobowiska 35 a | 1 | 0.60% | 29 | 3.45% |
Candidate informations | ||||
Surname and names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number |
Mazur Mieczysław | 48 | Góry | 4 | |
Number of votes for candidate | Percent of valid votes in constituency | Number of votes for the list | Percent of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | Mandate |
289 | 4.40% | 2328 | 12,41% | Nie |
Results for constituency no. 4 by precincts | ||||||
No | Address | Number of votes | Percent of valid votes | Number of votes for the list | Percent of list votes | |
Gmina Baranów | 3 | 0.14% | 558 | 0.54% | ||
1 | Urząd Gminy, ul. Rynek 14, Baranów | 1 | 0.09% | 307 | 0.33% | |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Gródek 32 | 0 | 0.00% | 45 | 0.00% | |
3 | Świetlica wiejska, Śniadówka 48 | 1 | 0.32% | 147 | 0.68% | |
4 | Świetlica wiejska, Kozioł 40B | 1 | 0.31% | 59 | 1.69% | |
Gmina Kurów | 24 | 0.80% | 1398 | 1.72% | ||
1 | Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Kilińskiego 2, Kurów | 6 | 0.50% | 499 | 1.20% | |
2 | Urząd Gminy Kurów, ul. Lubelska 35, Kurów | 3 | 0.46% | 270 | 1.11% | |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Kłoda 12A | 13 | 4.05% | 176 | 7.39% | |
4 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Klementowice 230 | 2 | 0.37% | 331 | 0.60% | |
5 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Dęba 1 | 0 | 0.00% | 122 | 0.00% | |
Gmina Markuszów | 262 | 18.37% | 372 | 70.43% | ||
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Lubelska 80, Markuszów | 80 | 13.45% | 144 | 55.56% | |
2 | Gminny Dom Kultury, ul. M.Sobieskiego 1, Markuszów | 164 | 24.74% | 199 | 82.41% | |
3 | Dom Ludowy, Bobowiska 35 a | 18 | 10.71% | 29 | 62.07% |
Candidate informations | ||||
Surname and names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number |
Gajda Grzegorz | 55 | Kurów | 4 | |
Number of votes for candidate | Percent of valid votes in constituency | Number of votes for the list | Percent of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | Mandate |
224 | 3.41% | 2328 | 9,62% | Nie |
Results for constituency no. 4 by precincts | ||||||
No | Address | Number of votes | Percent of valid votes | Number of votes for the list | Percent of list votes | |
Gmina Baranów | 6 | 0.28% | 558 | 1.08% | ||
1 | Urząd Gminy, ul. Rynek 14, Baranów | 4 | 0.35% | 307 | 1.30% | |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Gródek 32 | 1 | 0.28% | 45 | 2.22% | |
3 | Świetlica wiejska, Śniadówka 48 | 0 | 0.00% | 147 | 0.00% | |
4 | Świetlica wiejska, Kozioł 40B | 1 | 0.31% | 59 | 1.69% | |
Gmina Kurów | 204 | 6.79% | 1398 | 14.59% | ||
1 | Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Kilińskiego 2, Kurów | 87 | 7.26% | 499 | 17.43% | |
2 | Urząd Gminy Kurów, ul. Lubelska 35, Kurów | 49 | 7.55% | 270 | 18.15% | |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Kłoda 12A | 29 | 9.03% | 176 | 16.48% | |
4 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Klementowice 230 | 6 | 1.11% | 331 | 1.81% | |
5 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Dęba 1 | 33 | 11.19% | 122 | 27.05% | |
Gmina Markuszów | 14 | 0.98% | 372 | 3.76% | ||
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Lubelska 80, Markuszów | 6 | 1.01% | 144 | 4.17% | |
2 | Gminny Dom Kultury, ul. M.Sobieskiego 1, Markuszów | 6 | 0.90% | 199 | 3.02% | |
3 | Dom Ludowy, Bobowiska 35 a | 2 | 1.19% | 29 | 6.90% |
Candidate informations | ||||
Surname and names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number |
Strzelecka Teresa | 53 | Śniadówka | 4 | |
Number of votes for candidate | Percent of valid votes in constituency | Number of votes for the list | Percent of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | Mandate |
145 | 2.21% | 2328 | 6,23% | Nie |
Results for constituency no. 4 by precincts | ||||||
No | Address | Number of votes | Percent of valid votes | Number of votes for the list | Percent of list votes | |
Gmina Baranów | 138 | 6.46% | 558 | 24.73% | ||
1 | Urząd Gminy, ul. Rynek 14, Baranów | 19 | 1.67% | 307 | 6.19% | |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Gródek 32 | 6 | 1.66% | 45 | 13.33% | |
3 | Świetlica wiejska, Śniadówka 48 | 104 | 32.81% | 147 | 70.75% | |
4 | Świetlica wiejska, Kozioł 40B | 9 | 2.83% | 59 | 15.25% | |
Gmina Kurów | 1 | 0.03% | 1398 | 0.07% | ||
1 | Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Kilińskiego 2, Kurów | 0 | 0.00% | 499 | 0.00% | |
2 | Urząd Gminy Kurów, ul. Lubelska 35, Kurów | 0 | 0.00% | 270 | 0.00% | |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Kłoda 12A | 1 | 0.31% | 176 | 0.57% | |
4 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Klementowice 230 | 0 | 0.00% | 331 | 0.00% | |
5 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Dęba 1 | 0 | 0.00% | 122 | 0.00% | |
Gmina Markuszów | 6 | 0.42% | 372 | 1.61% | ||
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Lubelska 80, Markuszów | 2 | 0.34% | 144 | 1.39% | |
2 | Gminny Dom Kultury, ul. M.Sobieskiego 1, Markuszów | 4 | 0.60% | 199 | 2.01% | |
3 | Dom Ludowy, Bobowiska 35 a | 0 | 0.00% | 29 | 0.00% |
Candidate informations | ||||
Surname and names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number |
Błaszczyk Bartłomiej Julian | 26 | Markuszów | 4 | |
Number of votes for candidate | Percent of valid votes in constituency | Number of votes for the list | Percent of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | Mandate |
58 | 0.88% | 2328 | 2,49% | Nie |
Results for constituency no. 4 by precincts | ||||||
No | Address | Number of votes | Percent of valid votes | Number of votes for the list | Percent of list votes | |
Gmina Baranów | 7 | 0.33% | 558 | 1.25% | ||
1 | Urząd Gminy, ul. Rynek 14, Baranów | 4 | 0.35% | 307 | 1.30% | |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Gródek 32 | 2 | 0.55% | 45 | 4.44% | |
3 | Świetlica wiejska, Śniadówka 48 | 1 | 0.32% | 147 | 0.68% | |
4 | Świetlica wiejska, Kozioł 40B | 0 | 0.00% | 59 | 0.00% | |
Gmina Kurów | 4 | 0.13% | 1398 | 0.29% | ||
1 | Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Kilińskiego 2, Kurów | 2 | 0.17% | 499 | 0.40% | |
2 | Urząd Gminy Kurów, ul. Lubelska 35, Kurów | 0 | 0.00% | 270 | 0.00% | |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Kłoda 12A | 0 | 0.00% | 176 | 0.00% | |
4 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Klementowice 230 | 0 | 0.00% | 331 | 0.00% | |
5 | Szkoła Podstawowa, Dęba 1 | 2 | 0.68% | 122 | 1.64% | |
Gmina Markuszów | 47 | 3.30% | 372 | 12.63% | ||
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Lubelska 80, Markuszów | 39 | 6.55% | 144 | 27.08% | |
2 | Gminny Dom Kultury, ul. M.Sobieskiego 1, Markuszów | 7 | 1.06% | 199 | 3.52% | |
3 | Dom Ludowy, Bobowiska 35 a | 1 | 0.60% | 29 | 3.45% |
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